Dyslexia Surrey offers a range of assessments which are all designed to identify any specific learning difficulties an individual might have.
Full Diagnostic Assessment £555 This is an assessment for those who require a detailed and in-depth knowledge of the specific learning difficulty that they may have. It will provide a diagnosis and in doing so will provide effective, practical strategies for school, college and home. The assessment consists of a range of standardised tests looking at underlying ability, attainment in reading, spelling, writing and a range of tests looking at areas which are significant to a specific learning difficulty such as working memory, speed of processing and phonological awareness.
A full assessment can take several hours to complete. Before the assessment the parent or client meets the assessor for an initial interview so that a case history can be compiled. Following the assessment a full, detailed report is written complete with recommendations and a feedback session can be arranged.
Dyslexia Screening £250 A dyslexia screening gives an indication as to whether a person might have dyslexia. It is a shorter form of assessment and takes approximately one hour to complete. An additional half an hour allows for initial consultation and immediate verbal feedback following the assessment. The dyslexia screening identifies whether there is a discrepancy between general levels of ability and attainment in literacy. It also gather diagnostic information in areas such as working memory and phonological skills. A full written report with recommendations for teaching and learning is provided.
Assessments for Exam Access Arrangements £400 Exam Access Arrangements refer to reasonable adjustments a student may require in SATs, GCSEs or A Levels. The most frequently assigned adjustments are extra time, a reader or a scribe. However, there are many arrangements that may be beneficial to the student based upon evidence of need.
This is an assessment for those who have previously had a Full Diagnostic Assessment. The assessment will ascertain whether an individual is eligible for Access Arrangements in external examinations.